What are people saying?

"A story that every service member can relate to. This book should be on the bookshelf of every Navy vet."
Tim Heddlesten, RMCM (SW) (USN-Ret.), Bradenton, Florida
"Veterans love stories about the military and a book by RW Herman through his perspective as an officer is enlightening. "
Jeff Williams, Air Force veteran, Daytona Beach, Florida
"This book brought back many memories. There are many parallels between [a] military career and law enforcement career. Personalities, teamwork, rank structure and the ups and downs of working within these institutions. [Herman] not only faced and survived many impediments, [he] actually thrived."
Roger Willow, Bloomington, Minnesota, Retired Chief of Police
"Tremendous read! I felt I was by [his] side living the experience with [him]. ...truly a gifted writer...a reason to love, respect and support our military men and women for the sacrifices they make."
Jackie Irene, Hamel, Minnesota
"RW Herman has done it again...vividly and intimately sharing the good, the bad and the ugly...a remarkable and truly unique career in service to our navy and nation. BRAVO ZULU"
Keith Post, (USN-Ret. Submariner), Executive Director, St. Mary’s Submarine Museum, St. Mary’s Georgia
"Not qualified in submarines, and therefore considered unfit to be either accepted or even survive in his new environment, the author tells a fabulous story about how knowledge, competence, and sheer willpower can overcome any obstacle."
Emmett Henderson, Lieutenant Commander (USN-Ret), Submariner
"With outstanding writing skills and a special talent for conveying his thoughts, R. W. Herman shares a story deeply immersive and intense. Richard's determination...is astronomically inspiring. …strongly recommended to readers who enjoy highly suspenseful, refreshingly honest, and truly inspiring memoirs. I felt energized and ready to push myself to greater heights."
Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite
"Commander Herman has clearly and succinctly portrayed his voyage through a Naval Career. He has shared his ups and downs, and the fact that when 'a door closes, many more open.' Better than a 'morality play,' this book demonstrates what a person can achieve with a focus on self-discipline and self-esteem!"
Al Konetzni, Vice Admiral, USN (ret)
"Gripping memoir...about navigating the uncharted waters of life. ...alluring and thrilling...an inspiring illustration of how hidden currents may guide our lives to the shores that we recognize as home. ...his drive and ingenuity keep the reader glued to the pages."
Timea Barabas for Bestsellers World